Stanford 25 Skills Symposium

Promoting the Culture of Bedside Medicine


Information about future Stanford 25 Skills Symposia is coming soon. 

Our annual symposium provides an opportunity to explore neurologic exams for generalists, point-of-care ultrasound, improving your bedside teaching with the five minute bedside moment, sports medicine for the generalist, and much more. Click here to go to our Symposium site for more info. 

Some highlights of our past symposiums...

Choose your track... we offer different tracks to allow you to customize your experience and education.

Master Clinician and like author Dr. Steve McGee talks about his evidenced-based approach to the bedside exam.

Meet, interact and learn from like-minded clinicians from throughout the US and world who care about the bedside exam as much as you!

Since 2015 we have hosted this annual bedside exam symposium for clinicians and educators. The purpose was to share how we do bedside teaching and allow them to improve upon their bedside exam skills. See below to learn more about this event.

Watch all the videos from the 2015 symposium here.

On stage demonstrations of our methods and specific exam techniques.

Welcome and overview by Dr. Abraham Verghese followed by his bedside exam demonstrations.

Dr. John Kugler demonstrates bedside teaching and providing feedback with students. 

Lecture by Dr. Steve McGee on the evidence in bedside diagnosis followed by his demonstration of teaching at the bedside.

Demonstration of the PACES skills exam as done in the UK by Dr. Andrew Elder and Dr. Junaid Zaman. 

Panel discussion with participants to discuss creating a bedside teaching culture at your institution.

Demonstration of the eye exam and pulsus paradoxus at the bedside by Dr. Errol Ozdalga.

Demontration of the knee exam with Dr. Poonam Hosamani.

Endocrinologist, Dr. Neil Gesundheit shows how he teaches the thyroid exam at the bedside.

Jerome Kassirer, former Editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, lectured on the use of clinical images for education.

Participants break into small groups to practice, teach and create their own bedside exam teaching moments to share with others.

Participants come from all over the world and US to our annual symposiums