Stanford 25 Skills Symposium 2016 Announced!
March 23, 2016
For updated information on our latest symposium, click here.
The Program for Bedside Medicine at Stanford is proud to announce registration is open for the Stanford 25 Skills Symposium 2016!
Date: August 27th and 28th 2016 (Saturday & Sunday)
Location: Stanford University School of Medicine
Visit this link for registration.
You can also learn more about last year’s symposium and our upcoming event here.
The Symposium is designed for early and mid-career physicians who teach clinical skills. Our interactive curriculum aims to make you a more effective educator and to provide a community of like-minded practitioners with whom to share your passion and skills.
" The heart of what it means to care for another person lives at the bedside with your patient. Come learn and join of community of clinicians who share a like-minded belief."
In September of 2015, we hosted our inaugural Stanford 25 Skills Symposium. Today, we are launching the documentary:
More about this year’s symposium:
This year we are excited to offer participants the opportunity to focus their learning and participation by choosing between various tracks. The morning will be spent as one large group in our plenary sessions and each afternoon participants will be divided into the different tracks below. We are committed to providing an optimal educational experience so the number of participants is limited in each track. Therefore we request that during registration you rank your top 4 tracks in order of preference. We will do our best to provide you with the highest choices possible.
Stanford Medicine 25 Skills Symposium on Tuesday, September 29, 2015.
Tracks (note: each session will be for a limited number of participants, to ensure small group engagement):
Stanford Medicine 25 – Lead Instructor: Errol Ozdalga, MD: During the morning plenary session, everyone will learn about our one hour Stanford 25 physical exam sessions we do for our residents and medical students. In this track you will participate in actual Stanford 25 sessions. You’ll see how we conduct a session and get the opportunity practice. We will do 3-4 sessions, each covering a different physical exam maneuver. This session is ideal for anyone who wants to create similar sessions at their institution, wants to practice their physical exam skills with feedback or simply wants to improve their bedside teaching confidence.
5 Minute Bedside Moment – Lead Instructor: Abraham Verghese, MD, MACP: Being an effective teacher at the bedside is much easier when you have a repertoire of well rehearsed “moments” you can trot out for your learners, such as how to find an ankle reflex in a hospitalized patient. Participants in this track will spend the afternoon developing their own teaching moment, getting feedback and practicing for their peers.
Abraham Verghese teaching the examination of the hand at the 2015 Stanford 25 Skills Symposium
Outpatient – Lead Instructor: Maja Artandi, MD: We created this track specifically for those participants who are spending more time teaching in the outpatient setting than on the inpatient wards. The outpatient track will focus on physical exam maneuvers that are especially important in the ambulatory setting as well as addressing the particular challenges of teaching in the primary care clinic.
Bedside Ultrasound – Lead Instructor: John Kugler, MD: Participants in this track will learn the basics of point-of-care or bedside ultrasound. This track will focus on basic image acquisition and interpretation as well as ways to incorporate ultrasound into your currently clinical teaching. This afternoon should provide participants with a foundation on which build in the future.
Clinical Skills Assessment– Lead Instructors: Andrew Elder, FRCP & Junaid Zaman, MA, BMBCh, MRCP: This track will allow participants to get hands-on practice at assessing clinical skills. Small groups of participants will receive guidance from faculty and peers in compiling a basic marksheet, observing its use during a simulated examination, and finally assessing each other as they examine volunteer patients. Given the specialized focus of this track, we recommend it for those who already have some experience in assessing clinical skills and are looking to build upon these in an informal and interactive session with like-minded clinicians.
Learn about the symposium more here.