2015 Archive

Stanford Medicine 25 Blog

  • Approach to Spinal Disease by Dr. Rick Hodes

    Dr. Rick Hodes, a friend and colleague of Abraham Verghese, is an internist who had dedicated much of his life’s work towards treating spine disease in Ghana. In this Stanford Medicine 25 blog post, we welcome Dr. Hodes discusses one of his cases in Ghana and shares with us his approach and method to diagnosing...


    This has been a heady month for our group. After an enormously successful Bedside Symposium bringing in 120 faculty from 11 countries to learn and teach bedside skills, I was so thrilled to see our work so prominently mentioned in the INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE’S report titled, “IMPROVING DIAGNOSIS IN HEALTH CARE.”…

  • Stanford Medicine 25 Skills Symposium 2015

    This week, the Stanford Medicine 25 hosted its first skills symposium for educators by educators focusing on clinical skills in a effort to bring together some of the world’s leaders and educators in medicine. Doctors from various specialties, who have a passion for medicine at the bedside and teaching the physical exam, came together for a 2-day conference that focused on exam technique and practice....

  • The Saddle Nose - Overview

    What conditions are associated with saddle nose? 1. Granulomatous Disorders: a) Granulomatosis Polyangitis b) Infection (Mycobacterial, Leprosy) c) Sarcoidosis…

  • Frank's Sign (Diagonal Earlobe Crease)

    What eponym is associated with this sign? Dr Sanders T. Frank observed this crease in 20 patients with angina.

  • What Is The Specific Cause of This Patient’s Clubbing?

    The causes of clubbing are a favourite bedside question on rounds. They can be divided into: Pulmonary (commonest – think neoplasm until proven otherwise). Bronchial carcinoma Mesothelioma Bronchiectasis Cystic fibrosis Interstitial fibrosis...

  • Thyroid Nodule Overview - The Thyroid Exam

    A 21 year old Japanese male is presenting with a mass in his neck he finds incidentally. The mass is best seen on the right side of his neck when he turns his head to the left. The picture denotes a change upon swallowing.

  • Guttate psoriasis Exam and Overview

    Guttate psoriasis is a common dermatologic finding in children and young adults (usually up to the age of 30). The physical exam showing multiple small (usually less than 1 cm) scaly lesions such as with this patient is usually enough to make the diagnosis...

  • The Jugular Venous Pulse – Circa 1957

    In 1902 Sir James Mackenzie published a book entitled “The Study of the Pulse. Arterial, venous, and hepatic and of the movements of the heart” that described his studies on the jugular pulse using what would later and famously be known as the “Mackenzie polygraph”. He was the first to make recordings of the arterial...

  • Announcing the Stanford 25 Skills Symposium

    Join John Kugler and Abraham Verghese and our core Stanford 25 team with guest faculty Dr. Steve McGee and Dr. Andrew Elder as we provide a 2-day course for physicians who teach or are interested in teaching at the bedside. Attendees will return to their institutions more confident at the bedside teaching students and residents...

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