2017 Archive
Stanford Medicine 25 Blog
Conversation About Bedside Medicine Gains Momentum
Abraham Verghese’s passion for patient care and physician wellbeing is contagious. It’s also attracting national attention, as with this recent Medscape article: Abraham Verghese: ‘Revolution’ Starts at Bedside.
Can Improv Help Doctors Connect With Patients?
Writing for The Atlantic last summer, Anu Atluru, MD, lamented the depersonalization that can happen in medical training and offered an alternative to the current script. It was improv.
Signs of Scleroderma
Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease with sclerotic (thickened) skin and many other clinical findings such as hyper and hypo pigmentation of skin, telangiecstasias and many other possible findings reviewed here.
Abraham Verghese Interviews Jerome Kassirer on New Book
In a career that spans more than five decades, Jerome P. Kassirer, M.D. has been an acclaimed kidney specialist, clinical researcher, administrator, author, creator of new medical disciplines and, during the decade of the 1990s, editor-in-chief of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.
Gingival Hyperplasia in Acute Leukemia
Extramedullary involvement of leukemia can occur in up to 40% of patients. One of the rarest sites of extramedullary involvement is the oral cavity, with only 5% or less of all patients with AML present with gum infiltration.
Miliaria Crystallina: What is it?
Miliaria (heat rash/sweat bumps/prickly heat) is a dermatologic manifestation of eccrine sweat gland occlusion and a stimulus for sweat production.
Announcing the 2017 Stanford 25 Skills Symposium
The Program for Bedside Medicine at Stanford is excited to announce that registration is open for the 3rd annual Stanford 25 Skills Symposium.