2020 Archive
Stanford Medicine 25 Blog
Using Acting to Connect with Patients in the COVID-19 Era
In addition to clinical training, medical students at the University of Delaware also participate in a “healthcare theater” to develop communication skills that help them build trust and personal connection with patients.
Why the Physical Exam Remains Valuable in Patient Care
Although today’s climate has forced physicians to rethink the physical exam, Hyman notes that “not all is lost with the emergence of telehealth” as virtual visits lend themselves to new avenues for patient connection.
Telehealth Tips to Preserve Key Aspects of Patient Care
To ensure that doctors are able to properly care for and connect with their patients via video, Stanford Medicine professors and faculty have developed guidance and best practices for conducting telehealth visits.
Five Practices to Strengthen the Physician-Patient Relationship
A new study authored by Stanford Medicine 25’s Donna Zulman and Abraham Verghese shares five practices they say can “enhance physician presence and meaningful connection with patients in the clinical encounter.”…