Dr. Andrew Elder Visiting Stanford
April 10, 2013
We are delighted to have Dr. Andrew Elder visiting us from Edinburgh, Scotland for almost three months. He is a Consultant Physician in Acute Medicine for Older People at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh Medical School.
Dr. Elder is currently here on sabbatical to learn more about the Stanford Medicine 25 initiative and support our mission. One of his interests is the teaching and assessment of bedside clinical skills. Dr. Elder is currently the Chair of the Clinical Examining Board for the MRCP(UK) PACES examination – the largest international postgraduate clinical skills assessment in the world, with almost 5000 candidates sitting per year in eleven countries around the world.
“I am delighted to be able to support the Stanford 25 initiative. Bedside physical examination skills remain fundamental to diagnosis and high quality patient care – no matter how much technology is at our disposal – and we need to ensure that all trainees in internal medicine are sufficiently familiar with physical examination to critically evaluate its role and value in their own practice and, subsequently, teach its key components to others.”
Dr. Elder recently conducted a Stanford Medicine 25 session with junior and senior internal medicine residents to challenge their skills in the pulmonary exam (image above).